While I’ve got you here, let me tell you about these kids...

Reading Natasha to an adorably rapt audience...(photo by Rich Gilbert)


Yesterday, I was invited to read my new children's book, Natasha The Party Crasher, to these adorable kids. Considering how much time I spend on stage, you might be surprised to hear I was nervous.  The honesty and outspokenness of children can make them a fairly terrifying audience.  But it was so much fun. Not being a parent, I can't remember the last time I was actually inside a proper school.  All those little chairs and colorful, unpredictable and accidentally hilarious art projects hanging on the walls -  I could have wandered around for hours.  But these days, strangers wandering in school hallways is most definitely unacceptable.  So, I had to take it in as quickly as I could. 

I was surprised at how polite and attentive these children were. I think my memories of grade school must be dominated by recess time because I don't remember it being so quiet and peaceful.  I was also pleasantly surprised at how much the kids liked my book!  The changes in their faces were beautiful to watch as Natasha is deserted by her friends and then comes back triumphant. I wish you could see their faces but back of heads only for the internet! They had so many questions which was great! My favorite question: "You wrote that? How did you make it so neat?!" Ha ha! Other favs: "Are you going to make it a movie?", "Why did you write this book?" and, of course, "When will you do the next one?" What a wonderful experience that I hope to repeat soon. 

I wonder if drunk honky tonkers would enjoy a brief story time?

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